Tired of watching your green feed go in one end and straight out the other? AIM Central’s Grazemax Range of products can help address feed conversion challenges and ensures your precious green feed isn't wasted.

Paddocks full of lush, green grass might look great, but they can also pose serious health risks for your livestock, leading to setbacks in condition and poor feed efficiency.
If you’re still waiting for your feed to harden up, then it's time to take control – with AIM Central’s Grazemax. Our range of licks help to rebalance the nutrients available from fresh, gutless pasture or crops, delivering optimal growth and health for your animals from day one. This means healthier, more productive livestock and higher stocking rates.
"The best thing about AIM Central’s products is the conversion rate of our feed. Our green grass lasts so much longer.” - Ricky Jenkyn, Axedale
The Grazemax Range is designed for sheep and cattle grazing lush pastures and crops where essential minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Copper, Selenium and Zinc might be limited.
These imbalances often contribute to increased rates of clinical and subclinical bloat, scours and grass tetany or staggers. This reduces growth rates as your animals battle these health challenges.
AIM Central Grazemax products are used across Australia, from the high alpine Wagyu cattle facing frosted pastures with Grazemax Extreme, to the boomer cross bred lambs on the Hay Plains this year finishing on fresh green feed with Grazemax Ultra – the results speak for themselves.
We're here to listen and provide the solutions you need for healthier, more productive animals.
Want to know more about productive green feeding? Call us at 1800 106 006. We're always just a phone call away.
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This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.