Feeding grain without Converter is like skydiving without a parachute! Grain feeding has long been integral to livestock production. However, many producers are discovering that grain-based rations often fall short in providing the comprehensive nutritional profile required for optimal animal growth, health and feed efficiency. This can lead to significantly reduced returns from both feedlot and supplementary feeding programs.

AIM Converter - The Platinum standard for safe, productive and profitable grain feeding.
Starchy grains like Barley and Wheat are a great source of energy for sheep and cattle. The problem is that they lack the comprehensive nutritional profile required for optimal growth, health and feed efficiency. And, as many producers have discovered, feeding too much grain too quickly can cause animals to crash, and crash hard!
Why grain feeding can challenge the bottomline:
· Grain Poisoning: Feeding starchy grains can cause potent toxins to accumulate rapidly in the Rumen. Those toxins have thepotential to kill off beneficial Rumen microbes, cause scarring of the Rumen wall, severe inflammation of the joints and feet along with damage to vital organs including the Liver.
· Nutrient deficiencies: Grain often lacks the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids that animals need for optimalhealth and performance.
· Reduced feed efficiency: Poorly balanced grain diets can lead to inefficient feed utilisation, resulting in higher feed costs and lower weight gain.
· Health issues: Scours, lameness, reproductive issues and impaired immune function are just some of the impacts that poorly balanced grain diets can have on your animals.
AIM Converter: Reliability, Safety,Profitability.
Designed by Australian experts forAustralian conditions, AIM Converter is a range of concentrated nutritional supplements that professional grain feeding businesses rely on to safely deliver maximum health, gain and feed efficiency . Available in both powder additive and concentrated pellets AIM Converter products contain an advanced buffer complex along with our unique blend of macro /micro minerals and critical vitamins. Added Ionphores are optional.
Key benefits of Converter:
· Tried and Tested : Professional grain feeders have relied on AIM Converters Platinum reputation for efficacy and safety for more than 20 years.
· Enhanced nutrient profile: Converter provides essential nutrients that are often lacking in grain-based diets, ensuring optimal animal health and performance.
· Improved feed efficiency: By optimisingnutrient absorption and utilisation, Converter helps improve feed efficiencyand reduce feed costs.
· Tailored toAustralian conditions: Converter is formulated to meet the specificnutritional needs of livestock in Australian environments.
· Ionophore-free options: For producers whoprefer to avoid them, Converter offers Ionophore-free pellet options.
AIM Converter – Don’t jump into grainfeeding without it!
If you're struggling with grain feedingissues, Converter can provide the solution. By incorporating Converter intoyour livestock's diet, you can help reduce grain feeding risks, improve animalhealth, enhance feed efficiency and ultimately increase your profitability.
To learn more about Converter and how itcan benefit your livestock, please visit our website or contact us today on 1800 106 006.
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This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.