easy does it
Generade is a convenient, concentrated vitamin and mineral supplement containing a specific combination of macro and micronutrients to be included in all feedlot inductions, weaning programs, marking, shearing, handling and transport events. Talk to us about solutions to keep your animals in optimal condition.

Cattle and sheep are highly sensitive to rapid changes in environment and diet. Yarding, transport, calving and lambing, weaning and even severe weather events are all triggers for stress. Under these circumstances, cattle and sheep can become agitated and lose appetite. Loss of appetite diminishes critical rumen microbial growth and activity.
Regardless of the type of stress event, your challenge is to help your animals maintain (or, in the event of an emergency, regrow) the critical microbial populations their rumens need. Generade delivers a rich source of carbohydrates, key minerals and vitamins, specifically designed to help stimulate rumen microbial activity and support the healthy functioning of your animals' underlying energy, immune and metabolic systems.
Productivity goals
Through specific dietary management and timing of inputs, meet the nutritional requirements of sheep being mustered, yarded, drafted, loaded and transported.
Maintain appetite, stable rates of rumen fermentation and rumen contraction through optimum nerve and muscle function leading to improved digestive and behavioural performance.
Reduced stress means sheep are less likely to lose liveweight or dressing percentage, are easier to handle and suffer reduced risk of metabolic disease.


A concentrated, highly palatable liquid supplement designed to deliver critical micro and macro nutrients to animals experiencing transition stress.

A supplement pellet for cattle and sheep to be fed prior to and during handling, weaning, transport or any other event where stress may occur.

Tell us your production goals and we’ll help you get there
This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.