what a difference
When and how you wean can have a dramatic impact on the lifetime health, growth, feed conversion and reproductive efficiency of calves and lambs. Advanced weaning is in our DNA. Our tailored plans are designed to suit your goals and seasonal challenges. Talk to us - we can make a difference.

Take weaners to the next level by setting them up with improved rumen development and faster growth. Weanermax is a convenient, rain-safe formulation fed for just a few short weeks to help promote weight gain and establish lifelong performance benefits.
Productivity goals
Through specific dietary management and timing inputs, improve rumen development to deliver higher growth, health, feed conversion efficiency, wool production & reproductive performance, over the animals’ lifetime.
Achieve and maintain increased levels of membrane integrity to support improved digestion and immune system function.


A concentrated vitamin & mineral supplement for calves and lambs (only) in the immediate post weaning period.

A pelleted vitamin and mineral supplement for weaner calves (only) to be fed in the immediate post weaning period.

Tell us your production goals and we’ll help you get there
This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.