Sheep nutrition and solutions
At AIM Central, we have next-level knowledge around ruminant physiology, rumen microbiology, vitamin and mineral interactions and best practice management systems. However, instead of overwhelming you with the science behind the success, our goal is simply to ensure that you reach yours.

Transition Stress

Sheep are highly sensitive to rapid changes in environment and diet. Yarding, transport, calving and lambing, weaning and even severe weather events are all triggers for stress. Under these circumstances, sheep can become agitated and lose appetite. Loss of appetite diminishes critical rumen microbial growth and activity.
Regardless of the type of stress event, your challenge is to help your animals maintain (or, in the event of an emergency, regrow) the critical microbial populations their rumens need. Generade delivers a rich source of carbohydrates, key minerals and vitamins, specifically designed to help stimulate rumen microbial activity and support the healthy functioning of your animals' underlying energy, immune and metabolic systems.

Green Feeding

Tired of watching feed go in one end and straight out the other? Frustrated by scours, bloat and grass tetany? Fast growing pastures and fodder crops often lack the mineral and carbohydrate profile required to optimise ruminant growth and health. This can lead to reduced potential returns.
Grazemax is suitable for ruminants grazing green, fast-growing pasture or fodder crops where the supply of certain critical nutrients - including Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Sulphur, Copper, Selenium and Zinc - may be limited.

Grain Feeding

Grain or grain-based rations often lack the sophisticated nutrient profile required to optimise animal growth, health and feed efficiency, leading to significantly reduced returns from either feedlot or supplementary feeding programs.
Designed by Australian experts for Australian conditions, Converter is a range of concentrated nutritional supplements in Powder Additive and concentrated Pellet forms, containing an advanced blend of macro and micro minerals, Vitamins, Buffers and rumen modifiers and engineered for ready inclusion into high performance feedlot or supplementary diets. Includes Ionophore-free pellet options.

Dry Feeding

Dry standing feeds and crop residues often lack the sophisticated nutrient profile required to optimise animal growth, health and feed efficiency. This can lead to significantly reduced performance.
Stubblemax is a concentrated blend of macro and micro minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and protein sources comprehensively formulated to help optimise the supply of those key nutrients animals require to maintain health and productivity when grazing poorly balanced, low quality dry feeds.

Sheep undergo significant metabolic changes in the period leading up to and during calving or lambing. Those changes increase demand for a range of key nutrients that are essential to giving birth efficiently and producing high levels of quality colostrum and milk.
Designed by Australian experts for Australian conditions, ProgenX is a rich source of many of these minerals and other critical nutrients.

Advanced Weaning

When and how you wean can have a dramatic impact on the lifetime health, growth, feed conversion and reproductive efficiency of calves and lambs.
It's also an important factor in determining both the potential stocking rate of your enterprise and the fertility of your breeding herd or flock.
Apart from saving you time and stress, weaning at the right time can also help significantly reduce your cost of production.
Tell us your production goals and we’ll help you get there
This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.