It’s a simple fact, when your livestock thrives, so does your business. Time and again, our ProgenX has been shown to deliver more live lambs, with a heavier weight at marking time. Here’s how.

A lot has to go right for a healthy, vigorous lamb to hit theground running; maximum lamb survival means no weak links in the ewe’smetabolic chain – and that’s the key to the PROGENX success.
It’s not only about serving the right carbs to the rumen. ProgenX feeds the brain and nervous system, primes the skeleton and prepares the muscles for birth.

“Absolutely amazing result... 15% more lambs than the untreated group. Even Dad’s convinced now!”
Tom Patterson, Kattaning
Save ewes, too!
All ewes suffer from some level of metabolic stress atparturition. For some animals, that stress is so severe they become sick, have difficulty giving birth, or even pass away.
All of the Preg Tox or Milk Fever you see is only part of thestory about the hidden costs of metabolic stress on your ewes and your bottom line – but then there’s PROGENX .
“Our lambs are now 3-4 Kg heavier at marking because of ProgenX.”
Josh Walter, Inverleigh
The PROGENX benefits:
- By helping reduce the stress in ewes, more lambs are born alive and healthy
- With more ewes in better body condition, you have fewer sick animals to deal with
- Healthier ewes will deliver higher fertility rates at the next joining
Nothing to lose, everything to gain
If you have any concerns about stress inyour livestock, or worries about any other conditions, we’re only a phone call away.
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Tell us your production goals and we’ll help you get there
This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.