the better way
Tired of watching feed go in one end and straight out the other? Frustrated by scours, bloat and grass tetany? Fast growing pastures and fodder crops often lack the mineral and carbohydrate profile required to optimise ruminant growth and health. This can lead to reduced potential returns.

Grass is always perfect, right? Wrong. The nutritional value of green grass can vary dramatically. Depending upon the type, quality and age of the feed, it can be low in energy, deficient in some critical nutrients or too high in others. It can also carry toxins. This is all particularly true for lush, green, fast-growing pastures and fodder crops. Such nutrient imbalances from your early season pasture and crops contribute to physiological disturbances in cattle and sheep that lead to bloat, scours and grass tetany.
Sick animals mean poor performance and wasted feed. Let us show you how to put the guts back in your Green Feed for remarkable results from day one.
Productivity goals
Drive maximum energy and protein from every mouthful, leading to more weight gain for less feed and increased profitability.
Promote weight gain by increasing the population of beneficial gut microbes, recalibrate the carbohydrate-to-nitrogen ratio to deliver more usable energy and protein, and protect the liver from excess ammonia, further enhancing growth and efficiency.
Calibrate carbohydrate and minerals to prevent bloat, scours, and grass tetany. Maintain optimal nerve and muscle function and reducing excess ammonia, to help animals stay healthy and productive.


Professional strength green feed re-balancing for cattle and sheep grazing lush green pastures and forage crops. High specification, fast-acting formulation.

Professional strength green feed re-balancing for use when the challenge from Bloat, Grass Tetany and Scours is at its peak.

Supports healthy nerve and muscle function and includes a unique triple-action Mycotoxin Binder to help alleviate the direct challenge from fungal toxins.

Reduces the risk of acidosis whilst delivering the sophisticated nutrient profile required to optimise animal performance on Fodder Beet.

For animals on Sorghum and specialty forage crops - reduces the risk of prussic acid / nitrate challenge and delivers critical nutrients.

Professional strength green feed re-balancing with a powerful buffer complex to maximise safety and performance from grain assist programs for sheep.

Tell us your production goals and we’ll help you get there
This is no idle boast. It’s what we’ve been helping producers, just like you, achieve for over 20 years. What’s more, it’s not just about meeting the bottom line. There’s an improved quality of life to be enjoyed along the way – for both you and your livestock.